2015年 第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会



9 応用物性 » 9.4 熱電変換

[13a-2T-1~12] 9.4 熱電変換


2015年9月13日(日) 09:00 〜 12:15 2T (232)

座長:寺崎 一郎(名大),小林 航(筑波大),三上 祐史(産総研),阿武 宏明(山口東理大)

11:00 〜 11:15

[13a-2T-8] Thermoelectric properties of W-substituted bulk higher manganese silicide

〇(D)Swapnil Ghodke1, Naoya Hiroishi1, Akio Yamamoto2, Tsunehiro Takeuchi2,3 (1.Nagoya University, 2.Toyota Tech. Inst., 3.PRESTO,JST)

キーワード:Higher manganese silicides,thermoelectrics

The non-toxic and cost effective higher manganese silicide (HMS) is considered as an ideal material for commercial thermoelectric applications because of large Seebeck coefficient 200mVK-1and metallic electrical connectivity 2 mWcm. However, the magnitude of dimensionless figure of merit ZT is limited below 0.5, due to its large thermal conductivity of 3 Wm-1K-1. The heavy element substitution to reduce the lattice thermal conductivity is an effective technique to improve the ZT [1]. Here, in our study we have tried to reduce the lattice thermal conductivity of HMs by partial substitution of W for Mn without producing any impurity states.
We prepared (Mn36.64-xWxSi63.36) by melting high purity Mn, Si, and W elements in arc-melting furnace followed by Liquid quenching technique, where the molten alloy was injected on a copper wheel of 200mm diameter and rotating at ~4500 rpm. All the above processes were carried out under pressurized Argon atmosphere.
The powder XRD data confirms the solubility limit of 3.6% at in HMS. The thermal analysis by DTA suggests the phase separation temperature around 1000K. The phase separation temperature is much lower than the sintering temperature of 1273K, which could limit the thermal conductivity measurement. Therefore, we tried low temperature (950k), high pressure >100MPa, and long sintering method. We successfully obtained the samples with relative density of more than 90%. Further, the detailed analysis of microstructure and transport properties will be shown in presentation.

1. A. Yamamoto, H. Miyazaki, T. Takeuchi, “Thermoelectric properties of Al-(Mn,X)-Si C54-phase (X = Ru and Re)”, J. Appl. Phys. 115 (2014) 023708