The 76th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2015

Presentation information

Oral presentation

3 Optics and Photonics » 3.7 Laser processing

[13p-2F-1~16] 3.7 Laser processing

Sun. Sep 13, 2015 1:45 PM - 6:15 PM 2F (221-2)

座長:渡邉 歴(立命大),中村 大輔(九大)

4:15 PM - 4:30 PM

[13p-2F-10] Femtosecond laser-induced strain and low-temperature annealing of Ni/SiC interface

〇Yusuke Takidani1, Kenta Kondo2, Tomoyuki Ueki3, Yasuhiro Tanaka4, Takuro Tomita3, Tatsuya Okada3 (1.Grad. student, Tokushima Univ., 2.Research student, Tokushima Univ., 3.Tokushima Univ., 4.Kagawa Univ.)

Keywords:silicon carbide (SiC),femtosecond laser,diffusion

Low-temperature annealing was carried out at 573K or 673K for 60s or 600s, subsequent to the irradiation of femtosecond laser pulses at the Ni/SiC interface. The interlayer between Ni film and SiC substrate was identified as NiSi using TEM/selected area diffraction method. Micro Raman spectroscopy analysis unveiled the existence of graphite at the top surface of Ni film. It is clear that laser-induced strain at the Ni/SiC interface assisted the low-temperature diffusion of C atoms.