The 76th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2015

Presentation information

Poster presentation

12 Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics » 12.6 Nanobiotechnology

[13p-PB4-1~10] 12.6 Nanobiotechnology

Sun. Sep 13, 2015 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM PB4 (Shirotori Hall)

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

[13p-PB4-8] Development of Peptide-MOF Chemical Motors that Detect Target Materials

〇Yasuhiro Ikezoe1,2, Justin Fang2, Tomas L. Wasik2, Menglu Shi2, Uemura Takashi4,5, Kitagawa Susumu4,6, Matsui Hiroshi2,3 (1.NIT, 2.CUNY, Hunter College, 3.Cornell Univ., 4.Kyoto Univ., 5.CREST-JST, 6.iCeMS)

Keywords:peptide,MOF,chemical motor

We have developed new peptide-MOF motors that can sense the location of PbSe targets and swim toward them with the aid of Pb-binding urease. The pH gradient created around the targets with the urease guides the motion of peptide-MOF motors and the chemical motor completes the movement as they reach to the targets. Such behavior resembles the movement of living organisms toward a chemical attractant. The chemotactic motor translating the chemical power of nanoscale self-assembly into the motion of macroscopic objects in a millimeter scale with high velocity over distance of several centimeters is an interesting system. In future, it is desirable to program peptide-MOF motor systems for directly sensing concentration gradient of chemicals like chemotaxis.