2015年 第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会



シンポジウム » International Symposium on Thin Film Technologies for Flexible Devices

[14p-1A-1~6] International Symposium on Thin Film Technologies for Flexible Devices

2015年9月14日(月) 13:30 〜 17:00 1A (131+132)

Chair:Hiroaki Nishikawa(Kinki Univ.),Katsuhisa Tanaka(Kyoto Univ.)

16:15 〜 17:00

[14p-1A-6] [Invited lecture of overseas researcher]The (R)evolution of conventional materials: metal oxides and cellulose

〇Elvira Fortunato1, Rodrigo Martins1 (1.New University of Lisbon and CEMOP/Uninova)

キーワード:[Invited lecture of overseas researcher]The (R)evolution of conventional materials: metal oxides and cellulose