2015年 第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会



4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2015 » 4.4 Opto-electronics

[14p-2D-1~19] 4.4 Opto-electronics

2015年9月14日(月) 13:45 〜 19:45 2D (212-2)

Chair:Takuo Tanemura(Univ. of Tokyo),Hiroji Masuda(Shimane Univ.)

18:45 〜 19:00

[14p-2D-16] Propagation through chiro-ferrite slab waveguides

〇(D)Naeem Iqbal1, Pankaj Kumar Choudhury1 (1.IMEN, UKM, Malaysia)


Propagation and scattering problems dealing with different geometries along with various forms of mediums have been studied [1,2]. With the advent of modern optical technologies, metamaterials have become vital in tailoring wave propagation as desired. Particularly chiral and chiral nihility mediums got enough attention in the context of fabricating negative refractive index (RI) materials [3,4]. The design of a dispersion compensator [5] based on these mediums has great importance in optics. Chiro-ferrite material is another form of composite medium [6] having both chiral and ferrite properties, and find fabulous applications in numerous nonreciprocal devices such as phase shifters, isolators and circulators. In this short report, the dispersive characteristics of chiro-ferrite slab waveguide are investigated. Effective indices are evaluated corresponding to various values of material parameters for low-order modes.