1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
▲ [14p-PA5-5] An Innovative Material for DNA Solid Extraction Application: Graphite oxide-cellulose Composites
Keywords:Graphite Oxide,Cellulose,DNA
The extraction of DNA is the most crucial method used in molecular biology. Up to date silica matrices has been widely applied as solid support for selective DNA binding and extraction. In this study we proposed Graphite oxide (GO)/Cellulose composite as an alternative material for DNA extraction. Similar to the majority of organic molecules, DNA can be easily binded to GO sheets due to the functional groups on the GO surface and π-stacking interaction between GO and DNA molecule. GO/Cellulose composite in bead structure were prepared by mixing urea, cellulose, NaOH, GO and water. The concentration of GO within the composites were ranged from 0 – 4.15 wt. %. It was found that the binding capacity of DNA increased with increasing weight percentage of GO. The highest binding capacity was achieved with 4.15 wt. % GO, where the extraction efficiency was reported as 660.4 ng/µl when applying 2M GuHCl as the binding buffer. The absorbance ratios of 260 nm and 280 nm (A260/A280) of the DNA elution was demonstrated as 1.86, indicating the extracted DNA consisted of high purity DNA. The extraction efficiency was 50% higher than that of conventional silica column with similar DNA purity. The results proved that GO/Cellulose composites provide a simple and non-toxic method for selective DNA extraction with high extraction efficiency of pure DNA.