2015年 第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会



4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2015 » 4.5 Information Photonics

[15p-2F-1~15] 4.5 Information Photonics

2015年9月15日(火) 13:45 〜 19:45 2F (221-2)

Chair:Kazuo Hotate(Univ. of Tokyo),Hirotsugu Yamamoto(Utsunomiya Univ.),Ryoichi Horisaki(Osaka Univ.)

18:00 〜 18:15

[15p-2F-10] Optically Controlled Quantum-Dot-Based Volumetric Display Exhibiting Multiple Patterns

〇Ryuji Hirayama1, Atsushi Shiraki1, Makoto Naruse2, Hirotaka Nakayama1, Naoya Tate3, Takashi Kakue1, Tomoyoshi Shimobaba1, Tomoyoshi Ito1 (1.Chiba Univ., 2.NICT, 3.Kyushu Univ.)

キーワード:volumetric display,quantum dot

Volumetric displays are one of the displays which can represent natural 3-D images. Unlike conventional 2-D displays, volumetric displays have depth information and enable 3-D images to be observed from any surrounding viewpoints. However, the conventional electrically controlled volumetric display has an inevitable issue that we call “occlusion” because it needs an electrical wiring for power supply. The issue prevents the volumetric displays from being more high-definition and reduces an image quality. Therefore, in this study, we proposed an optically controlled volumetric display based on quantum dots (QDs) which don’t need electrical wiring and demonstrated it. We fabricated a prototype of the QD-based volumetric display composed of 5×5×5 voxels. We confirmed the volumetric display can represent multi-color which is not only red and green, but also yellow (a color between red and green). From experimental results, we confirmed that the QD-based volumetric display can represent multi-color 3-D images without the issue of occlusion.