The 76th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2015

Presentation information


Symposium » The New Spintronics Phenomena and Potential for the Applications

[15p-3A-1~7] The New Spintronics Phenomena and Potential for the Applications

Tue. Sep 15, 2015 1:15 PM - 5:15 PM 3A (International Conference Room)

座長:金井 駿(東北大),中根 了昌(東大工)

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM

[15p-3A-4] Current controlled magnetic devices using the spin orbit effects in magnetic heterostructures

〇Masamitsu Hayashi1 (1.NIMS)

Keywords:Spintronics,Spin orbit interaction

We have studied the spin orbit effects in magnetic heterostructures with heavy metal (HM) underlayers. The spin Hall effect in the heavy metal layer is evalued using the harmonic Hall measurements and the spin Hall magnetoresistance. The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction at the ferromagnetic metal/heavy metal interface is studied using current driven domain wall motion. Influence of the materials constituing the heterostructure and their structure on the spin orbit effects will be discussed.