The 76th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2015

Presentation information

Oral presentation

15 Crystal Engineering » 15.6 Group IV Compound Semiconductors (SiC)

[16a-1A-1~11] 15.6 Group IV Compound Semiconductors (SiC)

Wed. Sep 16, 2015 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 1A (131+132)

座長:土方 泰斗(埼玉大)

11:45 AM - 12:00 PM

[16a-1A-11] Electrical Properties of SiC MOSFETs Irradiated with Gamma-rays at Elevated Temperature

〇Takuma Matsuda1,2, Takashi Yokoseki1,2, Satoshi Mitomo1,2, Koichi Murata1,2, Takahiro Makino2, Akinori Takeyama2, Shinobu Onoda2, Shuichi Okubo3, Yuki Tanaka3, Mikio Kandori3, Toru Yoshie3, Takeshi Ohshima2, Yasuto Hijikata1 (1.Saitama University, 2.JAEA, 3.Sanken Electric Co.)

Keywords:SiC,Gamma-rays,Elevated Temperature

本研究では高温下でのガンマ線照射がMOS界面へ与える影響に関して詳細な知見を得るため,SiC MOSキャパシタを150 oCでガンマ線照射し,MOSキャパシタの容量ー電圧特性の変化からその影響を調べた.