2015年 第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会



17 ナノカーボン » 17.2 構造制御・プロセス

[16p-2T-1~7] 17.2 構造制御・プロセス

2015年9月16日(水) 13:00 〜 14:45 2T (232)

座長:日比野 浩樹(関西学院大)

13:30 〜 13:45

[16p-2T-3] 水素による異方性エッチングに及ぼすグラフェン結晶構造の影響

〇Golap Kalita1、Papon Remi1、Thangaraja Amutha1、種村 眞幸1 (1.名工大工)


Hydrogen induced etching of graphene is of significant interest to understand graphene growth process as well as to fabricate nanoribbons and various other structures. Here, we demonstrate the influence of graphene crystals structures on the hydrogen induced etching behavior. Graphene crystals were synthesized on electro-polished Cu foil by an atmospheric pressure (AP) chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. We observed growth of hexagonal shaped dendritic graphene along with regular graphene crystals. Significant differences in hydrogen induced etching behavior were observed for the snowflake-dendritic and regular graphene crystals by annealing in a gas mixture of hydrogen and argon. The regular graphene crystals were etched anisotropically creating hexagonal holes with pronounced edges, while dendritic crystals creates symmetrical fractal structures. Graphene nanoribbons, and Y-junctions structures were obtained with controlled hydrogen-induced anisotropic etching of regular graphene crystals. The etching behavior provides important clue of graphene nucleation and growth as well as their selective etching to fabricate well-defined structures for nanoelectronics.