The 62nd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2015

Presentation information

Oral presentation

13 Semiconductors » 13.4 Si wafer processing /MEMS/Integration technology

[11p-A29-1~13] 13.4 Si wafer processing /MEMS/Integration technology

Wed. Mar 11, 2015 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM A29 (6A-204)

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM

[11p-A29-4] Fabrication of MEMS resonant sensor using ring-shape PZT electrode

〇Kazuhiro Takahashi1, 2, Makoto Ishida1, Kazuaki Sawada1, 2 (1.Toyohashi Tech., 2.JST-CREST)

Keywords:MEMS resonator,PZT,bio sensor