The 62nd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2015

Presentation information

Oral presentation

16 Amorphous and Microcrystalline Materials » 16.3 Bulk, thin-film and other silicon-based solar cells

[12a-A18-1~13] 16.3 Bulk, thin-film and other silicon-based solar cells

Thu. Mar 12, 2015 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM A18 (6A-208)

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

[12a-A18-3] Ultralow Reflectivity Crystalline Si Surfaces by Formation of Nanocrystalline Si Layer and Application to Polycrystalline Si Solar Cells

〇Daichi Irishika1, 2, Kentaro Imamura1, 2, Hikaru Kobayashi1, 2 (1.ISIR, Osaka Univ., 2.CREST-JST)

Keywords:polycrystalline silicon,low reflectivity structure,fixed abrasive grain