The 62nd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2015

Presentation information

Oral presentation

3 Optics and Photonics » 3.15 Silicon photonics

[12p-A16-1~13] 3.15 Silicon photonics

Thu. Mar 12, 2015 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM A16 (6A-206)

2:00 PM - 2:15 PM

[12p-A16-1] Ge/SiGe Heterojunction Avalanche Photodiodes

〇(B)Yuji Miyasaka1, Yasuhiko Ishikawa1, Tatsurou Hiraki2, 3, Kota Okazaki2, 3, Kotaro Takeda2, 3, Tai Tsuchizawa2, 3, Koji Yamada2, 3, Kazumi Wada1 (1.Univ. Tokyo, 2.NTT Device Technology Labs, 3.NTT Nanophotonics Center)

Keywords:Avalanche photodiode,SiGe