The 62nd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2015

Presentation information


Symposium » How should we behave as future scientists? - Innovative value creation of integration technology by young generations -

[12p-A29-1~11] How should we behave as future scientists? - Innovative value creation of integration technology by young generations -

Thu. Mar 12, 2015 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM A29 (6A-204)

4:45 PM - 5:00 PM

[12p-A29-11] Field-Effect Three-Terminal Device with Metal-Insulator Transition in VO2 Thin Films

〇Takeaki Yajima1, 2, Tomonori Nishimura1, 2, Akira Toriumi1, 2 (1.Univ. of Tokyo, 2.JST-CREST)

Keywords:Mott transistor,Phase transition,Strongly correlated system