The 77th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2016

Presentation information

Oral presentation

12 Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics » 12.4 Organic light-emitting devices and organic transistors

[13a-B11-1~10] 12.4 Organic light-emitting devices and organic transistors

Tue. Sep 13, 2016 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM B11 (Exhibition Hall)

Tomo Sakanoue(Nagoya Univ.), Takashi Kobayashi(Osaka Pref. Univ.)

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

[13a-B11-5] Developments of Electroluminescence Devices with Perovskite Semiconductors System

Fumio Sasaki1, Van-Cao Nguyen2, Hisao Yanagi2 (1.ESPRIT AIST, 2.NAIST)

Keywords:organic semiconductor, perovskite materials, origanic electroluminescence devices

We have reported optical pumped lasing in perovskite semiconducting materials in which we can fabricate thin films with simple solution processes. We fabricated DMF solutions of CH3NH3Br or CH(NH2)2Br mixed with PbBr2 in the same molar ratio. The solution was casted on the ITO substrate and capped with another ITO substrate. The cast-capping method can produce good crystals and we can obtain the stable lasing under the pulsed optical pumping. In this presentation, we will report the Electroluminescence properties of the single crystal like films prepared by the cast-capping method.