2016年 第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会



6 薄膜・表面 » 6.4 薄膜新材料

[13a-D62-1~11] 6.4 薄膜新材料

2016年9月13日(火) 09:00 〜 12:15 D62 (万代島ビル6階D2)

遠藤 民生(岐阜大)、金子 智(神奈川産技セ)

10:00 〜 10:15

[13a-D62-5] Sol-gel dispersant-derived transparent and conductive SWCNT films

〇(D)Radovan Kukobat1、Takuya Hayashi1、Noboru Ohashi3、Yasuyuki Watanabe3、Katsumi Kaneko2 (1.Shinshu Univ.、2.Center for Energy and Environmental Science、3.Tokyo Univ. Suwa)

キーワード:SWCNT film, sheet resistance, transmittance

Fabrication of the homogeneous SWCNT films for the solar cell applications is still challenging. We report the highly conductive and transparent SWCNT film derived from Zn/Al complex sol-gel dispersant by scalable bar coating method. The bar coating method gives the homogeneous SWCNT film in terms of the sheet resistance and optical transmittance on the PET substrate in size of 23 x 17 cm. The homogeneity of SWCNT film is attributed to the jelly structure of Zn/Al complex dispersant, being responsible for the viscosity increase of SWCNT ink and suppressing the local flows on the substrate. The Zn/\Al complex dispersant can be removed completely from the SWCNT film by simple washing with 1M nitric acid, giving the pure SWCNT film with the sheet resistance of 80 ohm/sq and transmittance of 80 % at 550 nm. The efficiency of SWCNT film on glass was about half of ITO film.