3:30 PM - 3:45 PM
△ [13p-B3-7] Nano-second pulse laser in Pr:DC-WPFGF at 638nm wavelength using SESAM
Keywords:fiber laser
Visible Q-switched pulse fiber laser at 638 nm was successfully demonstrated in a Pr-doped double-clad structured waterproof fluoride glass fiber by a GaN laser diode excitation with a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM). The visible Q-switched fiber laser output power of 0.85 mW was obtained at 292 mW of excitation power with the threshold power of 217 mW. The pulse duration and repetition rate were measured to be 360 ns and 205 kHz, respectively. The pulse energy and the pulse peak power were calculated to be 3.22 nJ and 8.94 mW, respectively. The peak wavelength and a full width at half-maximum were also measured to be 638.7 nm and 0.42 nm, respectively.