2016年 第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会



10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.4 半導体・有機・光・量子スピントロニクス

[14a-C41-7~12] 10.4 半導体・有機・光・量子スピントロニクス

2016年9月14日(水) 10:45 〜 12:15 C41 (日航4階朱雀A)

森田 健(千葉大)

11:00 〜 11:15

[14a-C41-8] Detection of hole spin transport in Ge using lateral spin-valve structures

Makoto Kawano1、Kohei Santo1、Masahiko Ikawa1、Shinya Yamada1、Takeshi Kanashima1、Kohei Hamaya1 (1.Osaka Univ.)

キーワード:germanium, hole spin transport

Detection of hole spin transport in p-Ge is quite challenging because the strong influence of the spin-orbit interaction in the valence band leads to very short hole spin relaxation times. Although electrical detection of spin-polarized holes in p-Ge has been reported by a three-terminal method, the reliability of the measurement is still an open question. Here we present hole spin-transport measurements in a p-Ge(111) layer using a Cu-based nonlocal lateral spin valve (LSV) with a p-Ge(111)/Fe3Si heterointerface.