9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
[14a-P1-23] Physical Quantities of Eclipsing Binary Stars Based on Knowledge of High School Earth Science
Keywords:Eclipsing Binary Star, Earth Science, High School
In the research activities of high school students, they derive the period of luminosity variation from the light curve of eclipsing binary stars and often consider the aspects of the eclipsing binary stars in phenomenological terms. In addition to the period of luminosity variation, what physical quantity may be drawn from the light curve? From the photometric and spectral data of eclipsing binary stars, we can also obtain physical quantities, such as the temperature ratio, the radius ratio, and the mass ratio of binary stars, as well as the binary star distance. In simple assumptions, these can be understood in the knowledge of high school earth science. In this report, we discuss the physical quantities of eclipsing binary stars, and the field of astronomy in high school earth science.