13:45 〜 14:15
▲ [14p-A24-3] A Detail Study on Failure Mechanism of Si-Photovoltaic: Encapsulant to Solar Cells
キーワード:Field Aged Modules, ALT, Acetic Acid, EVA Degradation, Band Bending, Carrier Lifetime
The study of failure mechanism of photovoltaic modules is the most important in determining the economic efficiency of the energy generation business. The investigation of the degradation on an encapsulant and cell level is important for the reliability of PV-modules because it could give information about the degradation process even before the electrical and optical properties of a module are changed. This study focuses on the failure mechanism occurred in standard silicon (mono/poly) photovoltaic provoked by the accelerated lifetime testing (ALT) under laboratory condition as well as in the PV field. A detail investigation of power degradation in Si modules has been conducted considering the number of points of view such as power loss, years in service, manufacturing quality, acetic acid formation and distribution through EVA encapsulant decomposition, Na ion migration to the cell surface, and local p-n junction quality and carrier lifetime decreased under the high potential aiming to predict the lifetime of a module. Therefore, the IV characteristics, Electroluminescence (EL), Dark Lock-in Thermography (DLIT) imaging, current density mapping, µ-PCD analysis, transient absorption spectroscopy (TAS), and IR and Raman spectroscopy analysis have been employed in this investigation.