2016年 第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会



9 応用物性 » 9.2 ナノワイヤ・ナノ粒子

[14p-D62-1~20] 9.2 ナノワイヤ・ナノ粒子

2016年9月14日(水) 13:30 〜 19:00 D62 (万代島ビル6階D2)

原 真二郎(北大)、章 国強(NTT物性研)、石川 史太郎(愛媛大)

14:45 〜 15:00

[14p-D62-6] ボトムアップ的手法で作製した通信波長帯室温動作InAs/InPマイクロワイヤレーザ

章 国強1,2、滝口 雅人1,2、舘野 功太1,2、後藤 秀樹1 (1.NTT 物性研、2.NTTナノフォトニクスセンタ)


Telecom-band lasers are extremely important for optical data communication, spectroscopy, and medical diagnosis. Semiconductor nanowires (NWs) or microwires (MWs) offer the possibility of reducing the footprint of devices for 3D integration and enduring large lattice mismatch for breaking the limitation of material combination. Although ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared NW lasers have been demonstrated, room-temperature telecom-band NW (or MW) lasers have not been realized due to the material issues. In this work, we established the technique to grow InP/InAs MWs with superior optical property and demonstrated the telecom-band MW lasers at room temperature for the first time. We believe that this work opens up new opportunities in optoelectronics and on-chip data communication.