1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
[14p-P9-11] First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations of O2 Oxidation in 4H-SiC/SiO2 ~Differences between SiC(0001)Si and (000-1)C faces~
Keywords:SiC, oxidation, First-principles molecular dynamics
We have prepared a 4H-SiC(0001)Si/amorphous SiO2 structure, and executed first-principles molecular dynamics simulations of O2 oxidation at 2000K. O2 molecules were introduced at regular interval times (1-3ps). Comparing for the case of SiC(000-1)C/SiO2 structure, desorption rate of C-related molecules as CO and CO2 is almost same, whereas growth of C-clusters at the interface region and structural changes accompanied by oxidation are different. We discuss about differences of features observed in oxidation processes of SiC(0001)Si/SiO2 and (000-1)C/SiO2.