2016年 第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会



11 超伝導 » 11.1 基礎物性

[15a-D63-1~8] 11.1 基礎物性

2016年9月15日(木) 09:15 〜 11:15 D63 (万代島ビル6階D3)

入江 晃亘(宇都宮大)

10:15 〜 10:30

[15a-D63-5] Circularly-Polarized Terahertz Radiation from a High-Tc Bi-2212 Mesa

〇(D)Asem S Elarabi1、Yusuke Yoshioka1、Manabu Tsujimoto2、Takuji Doi1、Itsuhiro Kakeya1 (1.Kyoto Univ.、2.The Univ. of Tsukuba)

キーワード:intrinsic Josephson juncitons, Terahertz radiation, circular polarization

In this study, we demonstrate a method to generate circularly polarized terahertz radiation using a monolithic superconducting device. a square-shaped Bi-2212 single crystal mesa with trimmed edges is used to control the emission polarization with the applied bias voltage. These results will be useful for future compact wireless devices and spectroscopy systems.