11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
[16a-A34-7] Development of skutterudite thermoelectric materials and devices
Keywords:Thermoelectric materials, Thermoelectric device, Thermoelectric power generation system
Thermoelectric conversion technology is expected to be an effective way to utilize thermal energy. Here, we report our progress on skutterudite thermoelectric materials and modules and discuss about what is necessary to do for industrialization of thermoelectric power generation. We developed the skutterudite thermoelectric materials with p-ZT=0.7-0.9, n-ZT=1.0-1.2 by multi-filling elements in skutterudite and their modules with efficiency of 7-8% and thermal durability at 550 C°. We further developed materials mass production technologies such as materials synthesis of 10kg/batch, fabrication of large sintering body with a diameter of 200mm and dicing technology of elements. To realize industrial application of thermoelectric power generation, what we need further to do is to establish the technology of thermoelectric power generation system, which is robust enough for practical application.