2016年 第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会



4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2016 » 4.4 Opto-electronics

[16a-C301-1~9] 4.4 Opto-electronics

2016年9月16日(金) 09:00 〜 12:00 C301 (日航30階鶴)

角倉 久史(NTT物性研)

11:15 〜 11:30

[16a-C301-7] Fabrication of sol-gel derived hybrid glass-ceramic rib waveguides on SiO2-HfO2-ZnO thin films

〇(D)Subhabrata Ghosh1、Shivakiran Bhaktha B.N.1 (1.IIT Kharagpur)

キーワード:Waveguides, Glass-ceramics, UV-lithography

We report on sol-gel fabrication of rib waveguide structures on 70 SiO2 - 28 HfO2 – 5 ZnO (mol %) hybrid ternary glass-ceramic waveguides on silica-on-silicon substrate. Initially, 70 SiO2 – 28 HfO2 – 5 ZnO (mol %) planar waveguide films are prepared by sol-gel method and dip-coating technique. Rib waveguides are fabricated by UV-photolithography followed by wet chemical etching processes. Planar waveguides are spin coated with photoresist, soft-baked, and exposed to a UV-lamp radiation using a photomask designed for this purpose. Rib waveguide structures are fabricated after development of photoresist followed by wet chemical etching using buffered hydrofluoric acid solutions. The formation of HfO2 nanocrystals along with ZnO is also observed. Optical characterizations of planar waveguides are performed by lab-built m-line spectroscopy. These waveguides also exhibit low-loss (0.3 - 0.6 dB/cm @ 632.8 nm) which makes them a promising candidate for integrated optical device applications.