


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.16 Optics and Photonics English Session

[19a-H116-1~12] 3.16 Optics and Photonics English Session

2016年3月19日(土) 09:00 〜 12:00 H116 (本館)

原口 雅宣(徳島大)

11:15 〜 11:30

[19a-H116-10] Sunlight absorption with resonant silicon nanoparticles

石井 智1,2、チェン カイ1,2、スガヴァネシュワ ラム1,2、ダオ タン1,2、長尾 忠昭1,2 (1.物材機構、2.JST-CERST)


We demonstrate with electromagnetic calculations and experimental that an ensemble of silicon nanoparticles with different sizes can effectively absorb sunlight. Due to the absorption of silicon from UV to near-infrared region, Mie resonances in silicon nanoparticles dramatically enhance the absorption of solar light. In experiment, silicon nanoparticles dispersed in water worked as excellent sunlight-heat transducers that efficiently harvest sunlight to accelerate heating and vaporization of water by nanoscale local heating. Our study opens up the potential of silicon nanoparticles in various solar-thermal applications.