The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2016

Presentation information

Oral presentation

15 Crystal Engineering » 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

[19a-H121-1~10] 15.4 III-V-group nitride crystals

Sat. Mar 19, 2016 8:45 AM - 11:45 AM H121 (H)

Narihito Okada(Yamaguchi Univ.), Hisashi Murakami(TUAT)

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

[19a-H121-10] Evaluation of mechanical properties for w-BN using nanoindentation

Momoko Deura1, Kentaro Kutsukake1, Yutaka Ohno1, Ichiro Yonenaga1, Takashi Taniguchi2 (1.IMR, Tohoku Univ., 2.NIMS)

Keywords:Wurtzite BN,Nanoindentation,Mechanical properties