


13 半導体 » 13.6 Semiconductor English Session

[19a-S224-1~10] 13.6 Semiconductor English Session

2016年3月19日(土) 09:00 〜 11:45 S224 (南2号館)

上野 智雄(農工大)、章 国強(NTT物性研)

10:45 〜 11:00

[19a-S224-7] InGaN Quantum Nanodisks by Fusion of Bio-nano-template and Neutral Beam Etching processes

肥後 昭男1、トーマス セドリック2、李 昌勇2、木場 隆之3、Chen Shula4、谷川 智之5、窪谷 茂幸5、片山 竜二5、正直 花奈子5、山下 一郎6、村山 明宏4、寒川 誠二1,2 (1.東北大学AIMR、2.東北大学流体研、3.北見工大、4.北大情報科学、5.東北大金研、6.奈良先端大)

キーワード:InGaN,quantum nanodisks

Since III-N semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have been proposed, various growth techniques have been developed and QDs optical devices have been proposed. QDs are fabricated by the Straski-Krastanow (S-K) epitaxial growth, however, it is very difficult to preciously control the size and thickness independently. We have already proposed combination of bio-template for nano-patterning and damage-less neutral beam etching (NBE) for realizing QDs by III-N compound materials. In this study, we have developed a top-down fabrication process and realized InGaN quantum nanodisk structures embedded GaN barriers with less than 10 nm in diameter.