


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.12 ナノ領域光科学・近接場光学

[19a-S622-1~13] 3.12 ナノ領域光科学・近接場光学

2016年3月19日(土) 09:00 〜 12:30 S622 (南6号館)

岩長 祐伸(物材機構)

09:00 〜 09:15

[19a-S622-1] パッシブ型THz近接場顕微鏡における信号温度依存性の観察

林 冠廷1、小宮山 進2、金 鮮美1、河村 賢一3、梶原 優介1 (1.東大生産研、2.東大総合文化、3.東京インスツルメンツ)


Recently, our group has developed a passive s-SNOM (scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscope) with an ultrahighly sensitive THz detector, called CSIP (charge-sensitive infrared phototransistor). The detection wavelength is λ = 14.1 ± 0.5 μm. The passive s-SNOM probes thermally excited electromagnetic evanescent field on metal and dielectric surfaces without using any external illumination or excitation. We have increased the SNR to 5.5 with 10 Hz scan rate as shown in Fig. (b) by improvement of optical components in the confocal microscope. To study the temperature dependence of passive near-field (NF) signals, we introduced a ceramic heater into the passive s-SNOM that can heat a sample to 100 °C. We demonstrate the temperature dependence of the thermally excited NF signals on Au. The NF signals increased by a factor of 3 when the temperature was elevated from 27 to 100 °C. The data can be fitted by a theoretical model. The result indicates that the sample is exposed to ambient radiation that may come from the optical components in the cryostat.