


6 薄膜・表面 » 6.5 表面物理・真空

[19p-H113-1~9] 6.5 表面物理・真空

2016年3月19日(土) 13:15 〜 15:45 H113 (本館)

山田 洋一(筑波大)

15:15 〜 15:30

[19p-H113-8] The theory of Photoelectron Yield Spectroscopy

但野 将平1、クリューガー ピーター1 (1.千葉大院融合)

キーワード:Photoelectron Yield Spectroscopy,ionization potential,photoemission

A simple and general theory of the photoelectron yield spectrum for metals, semiconductors and organic materials has been developed. An analytical calculation is done for each material type near the photoemission threshold and power laws are obtained which agree with most experimental data. According to the power laws, the yield is quadratic for metals, power of 5/2 for semiconductors and cubic for organic materials. The present theory is based on the density of occupied states and a transmission probability consideration. It is shown that the transmission probability is approximately
proportional to the energy of emitted electrons near the threshold when the final state electron momentum distribution is isotropic inside the matter. Moreover, it is suggested that the density of states near the Fermi level can be obtained by taking the second derivative of the photoelectron yield
spectrum. The density of states thus obtained from the experimental spectrum of a rubrene single crystal is compared with an ab initio calculation.