1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
▲ [19p-P1-2] Crystallization of Lysozyme by LLIP Method in High Magnetic Fields
Keywords:High Magnetic Field,Applied Magnetic Field
LLIP (liquid-liquid-interfacial-precipitation) method is one of the techniques to make crystal. In this study, we have investigated the magnetic field effects of the shape and size for the lysozyme crystal grown in the paramagnetic solvent. As a result, the crystals made by LLIP in the homogenous and heterogeneous vertical magnetic fields were larger than the grown crystals under zero magnetic fields. The length of long side and short side increased by twice and triple, respectively. The reason of these phenomena is considered that the precipitated crystals moved from the high supersaturated area around the interface to low supersaturated area by the faraday force.The mechanisms of these phenomena will be discussed in the presentation.