


10 スピントロニクス・マグネティクス » 10.4 半導体・有機・光・量子スピントロニクス

[19p-W241-2~12] 10.4 半導体・有機・光・量子スピントロニクス

2016年3月19日(土) 16:00 〜 19:00 W241 (西2・3号館)

手束 展規(東北大)

18:15 〜 18:30

[19p-W241-10] Enhancement of spin transport length with tailored spin-orbit interactio

国橋 要司1、眞田 治樹1、後藤 秀樹1、小野満 恒二1、好田 誠2、新田 淳作2、寒川 哲臣1 (1.NTT物性研、2.東北大工)

キーワード:spin-orbit interaction,Kerr rotation

Recently, a lot of attention has focused on the suppression of spin relaxation in two-dimensional electron systems with balanced Rashba and k-linear Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions (SOIs). The characteristic spin dynamics in such electron systems result in a long-lasting helical spin mode termed a persistent spin helix (PSH). However, spin coherence in the PSH state is inevitably destroyed by the k-cubic term of the Dresselhaus SOI in a realistic material. Here, we report that spin coherence is enhanced by an electrically controlled cubic Dresselhaus SOI. We found that spin coherence can be improved by balancing a Rashba SOI and all the terms of a Dresselhaus SOI. This technique will provide a new way of both suppressing spin relaxation and controlling spin precession frequency when using the cubic Dresselhaus SOI.