The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2016

Presentation information


Symposium » Recent Progress of Organic Electronics in Japan and Korea: For the Next Jump

[19p-W521-1~8] Recent Progress of Organic Electronics in Japan and Korea: For the Next Jump

Sat. Mar 19, 2016 1:45 PM - 6:00 PM W521 (W5)

Yuji Yoshida(AIST), Hiroaki Usui(TUAT)

5:30 PM - 6:00 PM

[19p-W521-8] Environment Sensitive LSPR of Ag Nanodot Arrays Incorporated Polymer Solar Cells

Seyeong Song1, Jungwoo Heo2, Tae Kyung Lee1, Hye Rim Yeom1, Soojin Park2,1, Bright Walker1, Sang Kyu Kwak1,3, 〇Jin Young Kim1,2 (1.Dept. of Energy Eng., Sch. of Energy&Chem. Eng., Ulsan Nat. Inst. of Sci.&Tech., 2.Dept. of Phys., Ulsan Nat. Inst. of Sci.&Tech., 3.Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials, Inst. for Basic Sci.)

Keywords:Organic Electronics