


12 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス » 12.7 医用工学・バイオチップ

[20p-P12-1~31] 12.7 医用工学・バイオチップ

2016年3月20日(日) 16:00 〜 18:00 P12 (屋内運動場)

16:00 〜 18:00

[20p-P12-11] A fluorescence imaging device with a portable system for detection of nitric oxide

〇(D)Wuthayavanich Anek1、Haruta Makito1、Takehara Hiroaki1、Noda Toshihiko1、Sasagawa Kiyotaka1、Tokuda Takashi1、Ohta Jun1 (1.Nara Inst. of Sci. and Tech.)

キーワード:nitric oxide,CMOS imaging device,fluorescence probe

The discovery of nitric oxide (NO) as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system has been contributed to extensive medical researches. To be clarified the mechanisms of NO inside the body related deceases such as a stroke, many studies developed methods for detection NO in animals. However, conventional methods are difficult to detect NO in animals related with behavior.Our aim is innovating a miniature implantable CMOS imaging device with a portable system to observe NO in an animal body with minimally invasive methods. In this study, we developed the imaging device and evaluated functions of the imaging device.