


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.6 超高速・高強度レーザー

[20p-P3-1~10] 3.6 超高速・高強度レーザー

2016年3月20日(日) 13:30 〜 15:30 P3 (屋内運動場)

13:30 〜 15:30

[20p-P3-7] Tunable mid-infrared optical frequency comb source based on supercontinuum at 1um wavelength range

金 磊1、山中 真仁1、Sonnenschein Volker1、富田 英生1、井口 哲夫1、佐藤 淳史2、大森 茜2、井手野 晃2、大原 利成2、西澤 典彦1 (1.名大工、2.積水メディカル(株))

キーワード:optical frequency comb,Mid-IR,supercontinuum

Based on a supercontinuum source at 1um wavelength range, we report a difference frequency generation (DFG) comb working at the wavelength of Mid-IR. Because the SC was generated from the PCF with normal dispersion, the SC pulse was linearly chirped. By dividing the SC pulse into two pulses with the wavelength range of 900-1000 nm and 1000-1200 nm, and carefully adjusting a delay line, the Mid-IR light generated from a PPMgSLT crystal was continually tuned from 2.9-4.7 um.