


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.5 レーザー装置・材料

[20p-S224-1~19] 3.5 レーザー装置・材料

2016年3月20日(日) 13:45 〜 18:45 S224 (南2号館)

吉田 実(近畿大)、佐藤 篤(東北工大)

18:00 〜 18:15

[20p-S224-17] Widely tunable optical vortex laser with extended cavity configuration

〇(D)AIZITIAILI ABULIKEMU1、Roukuya Mamuti1、Taximaiti Yusufu1、Miyamoto Katsuhiko1、Omatsu Takashige1 (1.Chiba Univ.)

キーワード:optical vortices,optical parametric oscillator,orbital angular momentum

In this study, we performed LBO-OPO with an extended cavity configuration. Resulting vortex idler output was obtained in the wavelength range of 1150-1892nm. A maximum idler vortex output energy of 1.1 mJ was achieved. This system enables us to transfer selectively a topological charge of the pump beam to the idler outputs.
Such broadly tunable optical vortex lasers have been potentially applied in a variety of fields, including chiral nanostructures fabrication.