The 63rd JSAP Spring Meeting, 2016

Presentation information

Oral presentation

17 Nanocarbon Technology » 17.1 Carbon nanotubes & other nanocarbon materials

[21a-S421-1~11] 17.1 Carbon nanotubes & other nanocarbon materials

Mon. Mar 21, 2016 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM S421 (S4)

Shohei Chiashi(Univ. of Tokyo)

11:45 AM - 12:00 PM

[21a-S421-10] Dispersantless dispersion treatment of long carbon nanotube

Hideo Gonda1, Junichiro Tokutomi1, Aya Itoh2 (1.YAZAKI Corp., 2.NIT, Numazu College)

Keywords:Carbon nanotube,Dispersion,Functionalization

The improvement in physical properties of metal matrix composites using CNTs has been studied. Generally, the dispersant for CNTs is necessary to distribute CNTs into the metal matrix uniformly. However, dispersant-free process is desirable because dispersant makes especially electrical properties of composites worse. Therefore, we studied dispersant-free CNT dispersion process focusing on functional groups on the surface of CNTs.