


12 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス » 12.5 有機太陽電池

[22a-W531-1~11] 12.5 有機太陽電池

2016年3月22日(火) 09:00 〜 12:00 W531 (西5号館)

宮寺 哲彦(産総研)、古川 行夫(早大)

11:30 〜 11:45

[22a-W531-10] Stability issues in perovskite-based solar cells

〇(P)Ono Luis Katsuya1、Raga Sonia Ruiz1、Kato Yuichi1、Remeika Mikas1、Wang Shenghao1、Lee Michael Vernon1、Winchester Andrew Justin1、Gabe Atsushi1、Qi Yabing1 (1.Okinawa Inst. of Sci. and Technol.)

キーワード:Perovskite,Solar cell,Stability

Organo-lead-halide perovskite (OHP) based solar cells are the new solar cells that hold promises for large-scale solar-to-electricity conversion at low-cost. However, there are few studies providing the data on the lifetime and possible degradation mechanisms of OHP-based solar cells under operation conditions (e.g. under light and cell operated at maximum power point). The current understanding on the mechanisms for the degradation in OHP-based solar cells as well as remedies to prolonged lifetimes will be discussed.