


3 光・フォトニクス » 3.11 フォトニック構造・現象

[22p-S621-1~5] 3.11 フォトニック構造・現象

2016年3月22日(火) 13:15 〜 14:30 S621 (南6号館)

新家 昭彦(NTT)

13:15 〜 13:30

[22p-S621-1] Design of nanowire-induced nanocavities in grooved SiN photonic crystals for the ultra-violet and visible range

SERGENT Sylvain1,2、Takiguchi Masato1,2、Taniyama Hideaki1,2、Shinya Akihiko1,2、Kuramochi Eiichi1,2、Notomi Masaya1,2 (1.NTT NPC、2.NTT BRL)

キーワード:Photonic crystal,FDTD,Nanowire

Semiconductor nanowires positioned in grooved Si photonic crystals have recently been shown to be a promising and versatile platform to achieve high-Q nanocavities in the infra-red range [1]. Using finite-difference time-domain calculations, we show that this approach can be extended to shorter wavelengths, using grooved SiN photonic crystals and single nanowires based on semiconductors emitting in the ultra-violet and visible range e.g. diamond, ZnO or GaN (refractive index n = 2.4). We discuss how the quality factor and mode volume of such nanocavities are influenced by various design parameters such as photonic crystal dimensionality and geometry, groove dimensions as well as NW geometry and position. We find that with realistic design parameters, quality factors as high as 18000 can be obtained in grooved two-dimensional photonic crystal line-defect waveguides with a mode volume V = 5.52 (λ/n)3. In grooved nanobeam photonic crystals, quality factors can even reach 51000 with a significantly smaller mode volume V = 1.45 (λ/n)3.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 15H05735.
[1] M. D. Birowosuto et al., Nature Materials 13, 279 (2014).