The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017

Session information

Symposium (Oral)

Symposium » Gallium Oxide : Novel Wide Band-Gap Oxide Material for Future Generation

[8p-A204-1~10] Gallium Oxide : Novel Wide Band-Gap Oxide Material for Future Generation

Fri. Sep 8, 2017 12:45 PM - 5:00 PM A204 (204)

Toshiyuki Kawaharamura(Kochi Univ. of Tech.), Tomoki Abe(Tottori Univ.)


4:15 PM - 4:45 PM

Masataka HIGASHIWAKI1, Man Hoi Wong1, Keita Konishi2,1, Yoshiaki Nakata1, Takafumi Kamimura1, Chia-Hung Lin1, Ken Goto3,2, Kohei Sasaki3, Akinori Takeyama4, Takahiro Makino4, Takeshi Ohshima4, Akito Kuramata3, Shigenobu Yamakoshi3, Hisashi Murakami2, Yoshinao Kumagai2 (1.NICT, 2.Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., 3.Tamura Corp., 4.QST)



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