


13 半導体 » 13.8 化合物及びパワー電子デバイス・プロセス技術

[5a-C17-1~10] 13.8 化合物及びパワー電子デバイス・プロセス技術

2017年9月5日(火) 09:30 〜 12:15 C17 (研修室2)

大島 孝仁(佐賀大)

10:30 〜 10:45

[5a-C17-5] Gamma-Ray Irradiation Effects on Ga2O3 MOSFETs

ManHoi Wong1、Akinori Takeyama2、Takahiro Makino2、Takeshi Ohshima2、Kohei Sasaki3、Akito Kuramata3、Shigenobu Yamakoshi3、Masataka Higashiwaki1 (1.NICT、2.QST、3.Tamura Corp.)

キーワード:Ga2O3, radiation, gamma-ray

The high-voltage and high-temperature capabilities of Ga2O3 metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) are expected to find applications in extreme radiation environments. This paper reports the first investigation into the effects of ionizing radiation on Ga2O3 MOSFETs. The devices remained fully functional after exposure to a cumulative gamma-ray (γ-ray) dose of 1 MGy(SiO2). High γ-ray tolerance was demonstrated for the bulk Ga2O3 channel by virtue of the MOSFETs’ stable DC output characteristics against irradiation. Radiation-induced degradations in the gate insulation and surface passivation were found to limit the overall radiation resistance of these devices.