


4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2017 » 4.1 Plasmonics

[5p-A410-1~13] 4.1 Plasmonics

2017年9月5日(火) 13:15 〜 17:45 A410 (410)

久保 若奈(農工大)、川田 善正(静岡大)、Lei Dangyuan(The Hong Kong Polytech. Univ.)

14:00 〜 14:15

[5p-A410-3] VSRR for isotropic absorption and nanophotonic sensor

〇(M2)Wei Hou Lee1、Jia Wern Chen1、Chung Chung Ling1、Pin Chieh Wu2、Chun Yen Liao1、Din Ping Tsai1,2 (1.Natl. Taiwan Univ.、2.Academia Sinica)

キーワード:metamaterial, plsmonic, sensor

We experimentally and numerically demonstrate a VSRR-based isotropic perfect absorber working at near-infrared region. We first show that a nearly 100% absorption can be achieved in a single VSRR-based perfect absorber. Four-VSRRs are subsequently merged into a unit cell for the demonstration of isotropic perfect absorber which is examined by changing the polarization angles and angle of incidences. The absorption can be maintained at a very high intensity even when the incident angle is up to 60° for both TE- and TM-polarized illumination. Furthermore, this proposed VSRR based perfect
absorber can also be applied as a refractive index sensor with improved sensing performance and therefore provides an efficient way for biosensor and optoelectronics applications.