


17 ナノカーボン » 17.3 層状物質

[6a-C16-1~9] 17.3 層状物質

2017年9月6日(水) 09:45 〜 12:15 C16 (研修室1)

吾郷 浩樹(九大)

12:00 〜 12:15

[6a-C16-9] Low temperature wafer-scale synthesis of boron-nitride film by surface wave assisted microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition

〇(DC)Rupesh Kumar Singh1、Golap Kalita2、Sudip Adhikari1、Hideo Uchida1、Toshio Kawahara1、Masaki Tanemura2、Masayoshi Umeno1 (1.Chubu Univ.、2.Nagoya Inst. Tech.)

キーワード:Boron Nitride, Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition

Introduction Graphene and related two dimensional materials are gaining significant attention for wide range of applications. Boron Nitride, BN,with similar layered structure similar to graphene, is a wide band gap semiconductor, which makes it a potential candidate for the application as a dielectric material in graphene based electronic and optoelectronic devices. Here, we demonstrate a low temperature synthesis method for BN film, using surface wave assisted microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition, SWMWPCVD, which is much suitable for scaling-up for industrial production.
Experimental: In this work, ammonia borane,NH3BH3, a solid precursor, was used for the deposition of BN film on both directly and Cu coated Si wafers, respectively. Cu thin film was coated on a 3 inch,75mm, diameter Si wafer and placed in the SWMWPCVD chamber. The BN growth was carried out at a temperature around 400 to 500 degree celsius. The deposition was carried out diluting the evaporated ammonia borane precursors with 5 and 100 sccm of Hydrogen and Argon gases, respectively.
Results and discussion: Fig. 1a shows a photograph of BN deposited Cu coated Si wafer by the plasma technique. Deposition of BN film on the wafer was confirmed by heating test and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS, analysis. Fig. 1b and 1c show the B1s and N1s XPS peaks for the BN film on both directly and Cu-coated Si wafers. The B1s and N1s peak-center for BN synthesized on Cu coated Si wafer was observed at 191.1 and 398.5 eV, whereas for the layer grown directly on Si was observed at 191.8 and 399.4 eV, respectively. The shift in B1s and N1s peaks for catalytic and non-catalytic growth of BN film might have occurred due to difference in impurity level and growth nature on Cu and Si surface.