The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017

Presentation information

Poster presentation

3 Optics and Photonics » 3.3 Information photonics and image engineering

[8a-PB1-1~5] 3.3 Information photonics and image engineering


Fri. Sep 8, 2017 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM PB1 (P)

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

[8a-PB1-3] Realization of the viewing zone with azimuthal angle 180° and zenithal angle 90° in holographic 3-D display by using a convex parabolic mirror

Yusuke Sando3, Kazuo Satoh3, Takahiro Kitagawa3, Makoto Kawamura3, Daisuke Barada1,2, Toyohiko Yatagai1 (1.CORE, Utsunomiya Univ., 2.Gard. Sch. Eng. Utsunomiya Univ., 3.ORIST)

Keywords:3D display, computer-generated hologram, parabolic mirror

In holographic 3-D display, which can meet all physiological perceptual factors with respect to 3-D observation, the narrow viewing zone is a serious problem. In this study, a convex parabolic mirror is used to enlarge the viewing zone. In a convex parabolic mirror, there is a remarkable geometrical feature that the incident plane wave is converted into a diverging spherical wave from the focal point after the mirror reflection. By using this feature, we have realized the viewing zone of zenithal angle 90 deg. and azimuthal angle 180 deg.