The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017

Presentation information

Poster presentation

8 Plasma Electronics » 8.2 Plasma measurements and diagnostics

[8a-PB3-1~8] 8.2 Plasma measurements and diagnostics

Fri. Sep 8, 2017 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM PB3 (P)

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

[8a-PB3-6] Development of simple visualization method of oxygen radicals produced by atmospheric pressure plasma

Hiroto Matsuura1,2, Yoshiki Matsui2, Takatomo Fujiyama2, Masakazu Furuta1,2, Yuichiro Takemura3 (1.Rad. OPU, 2.Eng. OPU, 3.Kindai Univ.)

Keywords:atmospheric pressure plasma jet, reactive oxygen radical, Iodine-starch reaction

Plasma treatment mechanism of chemical or biological sample in a solution is still an open question. Reactive radical transport is an important factor, but its convenient monitoring has been lacking. In this presentation, preliminary results for using iodine-starch reaction as a monitoring tool will be shown. Effect of media viscosity or working gas on radical transport is also studied.