


4 JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2017 » 4.8 Strong Light Excitation Phenomena Applied to Materials and Bio Engneering

[8p-A410-1~10] 4.8 Strong Light Excitation Phenomena Applied to Materials and Bio Engneering

2017年9月8日(金) 13:15 〜 17:00 A410 (410)

坂倉 政明(京大)、畑中 耕治(中研院)

13:45 〜 14:00

[8p-A410-2] Nanoscale modification of glass via micro-explosion using ultrafast Bessel laser pulse

〇(P)Manoj Kumar Bhuyan1、Razvan Stoian2、Koji Sugioka1 (1.RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics, Wako, Japan、2.Universite Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne, France)

キーワード:Bessel beam, Nanofabrication, Ultrafast dynamics

In the framework of laser-induced micro- and nanoscale material modification, we present results on ultrafast Bessel beam-glass interaction, inducing extended length scale material modification on single-shot basis. Using ultrashort zero-order Bessel laser pulse in tight focusing geometries, we studied the excitation and relaxation behaviour of fused silica glass over a temporal domain ranging from nanoseconds to microseconds. We revealed the structural evolution dynamics, and in particular the signs of emergence of a void-like phase via micro-explosion on a rather slow time scale i.e. few hundred nanoseconds after laser excitation. Nevertheless, the Bessel beam-glass interaction was exploited for ultimate nanoscale material transformation.