The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017

Presentation information

Symposium (Oral)

Symposium » Materials Science and Advanced Electronics Created by Singularity of Nitride Semiconductors

[14p-503-1~8] Materials Science and Advanced Electronics Created by Singularity of Nitride Semiconductors

Tue. Mar 14, 2017 1:45 PM - 5:45 PM 503 (503)

Hideto Miyake(Mie Univ.), Yoichi Kawakami(Kyoto Univ.)

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

[14p-503-4] Controlling of Radiative Recombination Rate and Efficiency using Plasmonics

Koichi Okamoto1 (1.IMCE, Kyushu Univ.)

Keywords:surface plasmeon, plasmonics, Purcell effect

Coupling between surface plasmon (SP) and exciton has been used to increase the emission efficiencies of light emitting materials and devices based on InGaN/GaN quantum wells. The SP-exciton coupling increase spontaneous emission rates of the excited states and relatively reduced the nonradiative relaxation and finally increase the internal quantum efficiencies (IQEs). The Purcell factor which is the enhancement factor of the radiative recombination was reached to 500. The quantum state of the coupling between exciton and SP was named as "plexciton" and has been expected for various applications includes high-efficiency light-emitting diodes.