4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
▲ [14p-P9-17] Time evolution of reactive oxygen nitrogen species in plasma-activated liquids
Keywords:plasma-activated liquid, absorption spectroscopy, essential media
This work presents time-resolved measurements of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species within plasma-activated water and diluted Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium by a single-pass UV absorption system. Plasma-activated liquids were created using an argon-fed, non-equilibrium APP. The APP nozzle was placed 13 mm from the liquid surface and was operated using a 60-Hz AC high voltage supply while varying applied voltage and gas flow rate. Liquids were treated in a 3.5-mL SiO2 cuvette, allowing real-time measurements by UV absorption spectroscopy.
The time-evolution of RONS such as H2O2, NO2, NO3 and HNO2 were investigated and evaluated against known solutions and previous studies using chemical indicators. Of interest is the suggested presence of HNO2, an unstable acid that may contribute to sustained levels of NO, NO3-, and H+ well after plasma exposure.
The time-evolution of RONS such as H2O2, NO2, NO3 and HNO2 were investigated and evaluated against known solutions and previous studies using chemical indicators. Of interest is the suggested presence of HNO2, an unstable acid that may contribute to sustained levels of NO, NO3-, and H+ well after plasma exposure.