The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017

Presentation information

Oral presentation

15 Crystal Engineering » 15.6 Group IV Compound Semiconductors (SiC)

[15a-F204-1~12] 15.6 Group IV Compound Semiconductors (SiC)

Wed. Mar 15, 2017 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM F204 (F204)

Yukari Ishikawa(JFCC)

10:15 AM - 10:30 AM

[15a-F204-6] Thermodynamics of Al and N in 4H-SiC for Doping Control during Solution Growth of SiC

Sakiko Kawanishi1, Hiroyuki Shibata1, Takeshi Yoshikawa2 (1.Tohoku Univ., 2.Univ. Tokyo)

Keywords:silicon carbide, solution growth, doping

Doping control during solution growth of 4H-SiC is a great issue. Therefore, thermodynamic evaluation was carried out to estimate Al and N contents in 4H-SiC. The estimated Al and N contents in 4H-SiC agreed well with the reported values. It was found that Al and N contents in 4H-SiC grown at various PN2, solvent composition and temperature can be estimated thermodynamically.