


シンポジウム » Photovoltaic 4.0 -高効率・低コスト太陽光発電がもたらす次世代再生可能エネルギーシステム-

[16a-304-1~5] Photovoltaic 4.0 -高効率・低コスト太陽光発電がもたらす次世代再生可能エネルギーシステム-

2017年3月16日(木) 09:15 〜 11:30 304 (304)

喜多 隆(神戸大)

10:00 〜 10:30

[16a-304-3] III-V R&D at NREL for High-Efficiency and Low-Cost PV

Geisz John1、Ptak Aaron1、Tamboli Adele1、Friedman Daniel1 (1.NREL)

キーワード:photovoltaics, HVPE, CPV

The cost of flat-plate silicon photovoltaics (PV) has plummeted in recent years but conversion efficiencies of these conventional technologies have nearly leveled off at ~26%. The efficiency of III-V PV technologies has continued to rise though, reaching 46% for four-junction concentrator solar cells. But costs of III-V PV are currently high compared to Si PV, requiring targeted R&D strategies at NREL to penetrate terrestrial PV markets that include: 1) inverted metamorphic multijunction PV with over 50% efficiency for concentrator systems; 2) low-cost growth for III-V materials and devices by hydride vapor phase epitaxy; and 3) III-V integration with Si using mechanical stacking and selective area growth for low-cost tandem devices.